Sunday, March 17, 2013
Slow learner
I finally started to exercise with my daughter Nancy on March 14th. And I felt healed from the surgery.
Friday, March 8, 2013
No weight loss
I am discouraged. I am not losing weight. It seems like I hardly eat anything. I am not drinking 64 oz. of water a day, so I need to do better on that. I tried to wear jeans on Tuesday but the jeans irritated the iincisions that are still healing. I went for a nice walk today in the sunshine with Nancy's family in the snow.
Monday, March 4, 2013
First bad nausea
I hope I learned a lesson today. I had not eaten today. And I was in the SLC airport so I had limited choices.
I bought a chicken wrap. I ate too fast, and I ate too much. It hurt and I really had to fight throwing up. I had to lay down on my back.
I am feeling extreme weakness today.
Interesting discovery
I realized something interesting about chocolate on Sunday.
Whenever I have an argument with my husband, I can eat endless amounts of chocolate, easily eating 1 pound of candy bars. ...NOT ANYMORE!
After arguing with my husband felt the emotional habit of eating chocolate. I dished up a half cup of sugarless ice cream and put chocolate syrup over it. I took 2 small bites and didn't want anymore.
Then I mixed up another old favorite: some brownie mix stirred up with a little bit of water. I also ate 2 bites if it and through the rest away.
Late Sunday evening I was visiting my daughter Katie and she offered me a cookie: chocolate no bake. Shortly after eating it, I began to have shoulder pains which I tried to massage away. It wasn't until the next day that I made the connection; at my one week appointment I talked to the surgeon about my shoulder pain. He told me that the first 2 days the shoulder pain is from the gas they put inside during surgery and that after the first 2 days it is referred pain from the stomach.