Friday, October 10, 2014

More Dental work

 Well, I was wrong.  My dental work wasn't finished.  After they fixed my upper 4 teeth that are damaged, I realized that there were 3 teeth on the bottom that had been damaged and slightly chipped.  So today the dentist fixed those.  But, we also made a discovery; my mouth, and lip area are still swollen, numb, tingly and so we hadn't realized, but on the left side, the upper left lip healed to the gums just barely above the teeth.  So even if I could feel the left side of my mouth, I couldn't move it properly or smile correctly.  So now I need surgery to correct that.  bummer.

I've really been struggling this week with dizziness.  I'm hoping it's because I was feeling better, more normal, and wanting to be up doing things and going places.  And the headaches haves been terrible.  But I'm good, my face is slowly healing each day.
 I never did post a picture of my face.  This was taken when I was prepped for surgery on Septmember 5, 2014.

 And this picture shows one of the chipped front teeth. One of the other damaged teeth was chipped worse than this one.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to hear you are improving and healing. I hope the headaches stop soon :( Wesaw your vacation pics on FB, looks like you got some much needed fun!
