November 9, 2014, Sunday
At church today Ken (I can't remember his last name) told me his uncle was out hunting with some men on horses. A 74 year old man fell from his horse and he died. He said he thought of me and my accident. I am certainly blessed that it was God's will that I live.
One of the most aggravating things is that I gained 14 pounds during the first 8 weeks of recovery.
And I think I'm giving up on denying that I've had any brain injury. My black church shoes were muddy this morning when I went to put them on and I have no idea why they are muddy. And I know for a fact that my brain wasn't working right last week. I don't understand, I still play my Lumosity Brain Games, and my scores keep going up.
I felt pretty good today. My forehead has really been itching a lot the last few days. And it is painful when I itch it.
This morning I realized my headache may be from clenching my teeth from the back and neck pain.
My doctor thinks I am doing very well and healing great. He is very pleased with my recovery
I've been so looking forward to this day. The repair on my mouth only took an hour, my doctor and his nurse just used lidoaine shots to deaden the insides of my mouth. I haven't looked in a mirror since the procedure, I'm afraid to; afraid that my mouth and lips still won't work properly. My doctor said to go home and take pain pills and ibuprofen. To rinse my mouth with salt water at least 3 times a day. To use my tongue to make sure the surfaces stay separate.
I was totally miserable for the next two days. I surprisingly had teeth pain again and I had to have just liquids again. But on the second day, horrible of horrible - I came down with a cold. So I was really miserable for the whole next week. Take someone who can't get a breath very well anyway, give them a cold with congestion, and it is disaster. I couldn't sleep and I coughed all the time trying to breath through my mouth. It aggrevated my asthma and settled in my lungs. So at my next appointment on 11/18/14 with my surgeon he gave me an antibiotic so I could get better.
On 11/13/14 I went to see a good chiropractor (I was referred by two people since I have such severe neck pain.) Oh my goodness, what a huge difference it makes. I have been to see him every week now. It helps so much with my neck pain and headaches.
On my third trip to get an MRI done on my throat, it was finally compete. My surgeon would like to remove the nodule, but I am resisting. It crowds my throat just a little bit. We will be watching it closely to see if it grows.
The scar leading from my nose to mouth was itchy, that is a good sign of healing. And great that it isn't too painful to touch part of my own face.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Saturday, November 8, 2014
During week 9
I think I hit that plateau my doctor was talking about. But there was an additional bump on my forehead and scab today, November 1, 2014. And I had trouble with dizziness today, and I thought I was done with that.
Sunday: I was dizzy again.
Monday. I felt more normal. My whole nose tingled like crazy all last week, now it itches.
Wednesday: I can touch the lower half of my nose without extreme pain. And my headache goes away sometimes.
Thursday: I postponed the thyroid MRI because I can't breathe any better than I could last week. I can only breathe through the right nostril so I tend to breathe through my mouth which causes a lot of movement in my throat.
Friday: I had sharp pains in the bridge of my nose. My forehead is itching and painful. I tried to do yard work on this beautiful fall day. I had to lay down on the grass many times because I felt unbalanced and had facial pains. I am so tired of all this, the accident was 9 WEEKS AGO! I felt really crappy from 4:00pm and on. I was feeling REALLY bad, I should of taken a pain pill. Mark and I did a lot of errands. It was 8:45pm when we got home and I went straight up to bed. I feel awful, I have back pain, neck pain, and a really bad headache.
Sunday: I was dizzy again.
Monday. I felt more normal. My whole nose tingled like crazy all last week, now it itches.
Wednesday: I can touch the lower half of my nose without extreme pain. And my headache goes away sometimes.
Thursday: I postponed the thyroid MRI because I can't breathe any better than I could last week. I can only breathe through the right nostril so I tend to breathe through my mouth which causes a lot of movement in my throat.
Friday: I had sharp pains in the bridge of my nose. My forehead is itching and painful. I tried to do yard work on this beautiful fall day. I had to lay down on the grass many times because I felt unbalanced and had facial pains. I am so tired of all this, the accident was 9 WEEKS AGO! I felt really crappy from 4:00pm and on. I was feeling REALLY bad, I should of taken a pain pill. Mark and I did a lot of errands. It was 8:45pm when we got home and I went straight up to bed. I feel awful, I have back pain, neck pain, and a really bad headache.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
8 weeks later - MRI for thyoid
As this week began I was able to wash my forehead too, without being in a lot of pain. I could wash the sides of my face last week. Again, these are baby steps, but improvements all the same.
My neck is still really sore, and hurts me. I had a rough week, not feeling good at all, and taking naps each day. My nose is tingling though, which I guess is good. The right side would itch, the healing kind of itch, but if I tried to itch, I would be in a lot of pain from the left side. It is impossible to blow my nose. And I cannot sit a pair of reading or sun glasses on the bridge of my nose. And one other good thing; I drank out of a cup with without dribbling on my shirt.
But I had another failed MRI appointment. For an hour and a 15 minutes they tried to get picture of my thyroid lumps. But I can't hardly breathe through the right side of my nose, (and the left side is useless) so I tend to breathe through my mouth, which causes my throat to move too much. Anyway, they were not happy with me and want to try again next Thursday.
Health wise, it was a bad week, and I think I would of stayed in bed most of the time. My headaches were bad, and I had facial pains. I was sad that I felt such a set back in my improvements. But a few commitments and my daughter Nancy forced me to get out and enjoy life.
My neck is still really sore, and hurts me. I had a rough week, not feeling good at all, and taking naps each day. My nose is tingling though, which I guess is good. The right side would itch, the healing kind of itch, but if I tried to itch, I would be in a lot of pain from the left side. It is impossible to blow my nose. And I cannot sit a pair of reading or sun glasses on the bridge of my nose. And one other good thing; I drank out of a cup with without dribbling on my shirt.
But I had another failed MRI appointment. For an hour and a 15 minutes they tried to get picture of my thyroid lumps. But I can't hardly breathe through the right side of my nose, (and the left side is useless) so I tend to breathe through my mouth, which causes my throat to move too much. Anyway, they were not happy with me and want to try again next Thursday.
Health wise, it was a bad week, and I think I would of stayed in bed most of the time. My headaches were bad, and I had facial pains. I was sad that I felt such a set back in my improvements. But a few commitments and my daughter Nancy forced me to get out and enjoy life.
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