Saturday, November 8, 2014

During week 9

I think I hit that plateau my doctor was talking about.  But there was an additional bump on my forehead and scab today, November 1, 2014.  And I had trouble with dizziness today, and I thought I was done with that.
Sunday: I was dizzy again.
Monday.  I felt more normal.  My whole nose tingled like crazy all last week, now it itches.
Wednesday: I can touch the lower half of my nose without extreme pain. And my headache goes away sometimes.
Thursday: I postponed the thyroid MRI because I can't breathe any better than I could last week.  I can only breathe through the right nostril so I tend to breathe through my mouth which causes a lot of movement in my throat.
Friday: I had sharp pains in the bridge of my nose.  My forehead is itching and painful.  I tried to do yard work on this beautiful fall day.  I had to lay down on the grass many times because I felt unbalanced and had facial pains.  I am so tired of all this, the accident was 9 WEEKS AGO!  I  felt really crappy from 4:00pm and on.  I was feeling REALLY bad, I should of taken a pain pill.  Mark and I did a lot of errands.  It was 8:45pm when we got home and I went straight up to bed.  I feel awful, I have back pain, neck pain, and a really bad headache.  

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