Saturday, November 1, 2014

8 weeks later - MRI for thyoid

As this week began I was able to wash my forehead too, without being in a lot of pain.  I could wash the sides of my face last week.  Again, these are baby steps, but improvements all the same.

My neck is still really sore, and hurts me.  I had a rough week, not feeling good at all, and taking naps each day.  My nose is tingling though, which I guess is good.  The right side would itch, the healing kind of itch, but if I tried to itch, I would be in a lot of pain from the left side.  It is impossible to blow my nose.  And I cannot sit a pair of reading or sun glasses on the bridge of my nose.  And one other good thing; I drank out of a cup with without dribbling on my shirt.

But I had another failed MRI appointment.  For an hour and a 15 minutes they tried to get picture of my thyroid lumps.  But I can't hardly breathe through the right side of my nose, (and the left side is useless) so I tend to breathe through my mouth, which causes my throat to move too much.  Anyway, they were not happy with me and want to try again next Thursday.

Health wise, it was a bad week, and I think I would of stayed in bed most of the time. My headaches were bad, and I had facial pains. I was sad that I felt such a set back in my improvements.   But a few commitments and my daughter Nancy forced me to get out and enjoy life.

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