Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I was excited and apprehensive about my surgery today.  Yesterday I had Mark read from my journal about my sinus surgery in 2011, and he decided to take me to the hospital today.  My priesthood blessing last night and Mark being there for me made a huge, huge difference.

Mountain View Hospital is a great hospital. My nurses were great.  The surgery was scheduled for 2 and a half hours, and it only took 2 hours, so I take that as encouraging, that things went well for my doctor, Richard Lee.  I really like him.

I had such severe facial trauma and pain on September 5, 2014 that I had thought this would seem like a piece of cake.  Well, not a piece of cake, but tolerable :) And not as bad as my sinus surgery in 2011. 

I've been super thirsty all day. In pain, but if I try to lower my head (like picking up something), I have severe pain.  Back on May 17, 2011 I had sinus surgery at the same hospital, just had a different surgeon. In my journal I wrote "Blood was constantly flowing down my throat.",  I am thrilled it wasn't that bad at all for me today.  I didn't change the gauze for hours, and in 2011 it was every 15 minutes. I was more miserable the day after surgery in 2011, so I'm hoping for the best on Tuesday.

I hesitate to post these photos:
  My forehead looks good in this selfie, even with my Harry Potter scar.  Here I am on the couch where I didn't move from for the first 4 hours after I arrived home. The "sling" makes a huge difference in absorbing the blood dripping from my nose.

  The "sling" that holds the gauze beneath my nose.  I'm so glad they sent extras home with me from the hospital.
I had to make a chart to keep track of all my medical care needed: Hydrocodone pills, Cephalexin pills, Mupirocin ointment, ice pack treatments, Niel medi nasal rinses, and Dok plus.

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